
These are a Few of my favorite things......

 There are a million different things i love,I'm going to let you in on some things am very passionate about and things that makes me smile

1. PICTURES-I bet this would not come as a surprise .i love pictures especially with me in it ,i think i take better picture of my self than anyone can ,i know my great side and how to angle the camera to accentuate my great side
not bad right?
2.THE BEACH-i love the beach i feel this sense of calmness when am there .the feel of the waves through my dress and the feel of the water on my skin .if i had the means i would own a house right beside the sea shore and enjoy Gods natural beauty any time i want to
takwa-bay beach
DARK MEN - Okay this is just silly but i cannot over emphasize  my love for the black skinned African man lol! you cant blame me na ...
someone would kill me for this
ONLINE SHOPPING -i wish i had all the money i need .i would definitely shop more is indeed therapeutic for me to shop till i drop ..Baba God bless me biko.

BEANS-i love beans i have always loved beans in every form well except akara (fried bean cake)
when i was growing up i always get so excited when my mum says we are having it  ,i think i would write a poem on my love for beans
especially fried beans .and i think i am gifted with the art  of making it ...shout out to Ladi we both love the beans 

WRISTWATCHES-Ask me for anything but not my wristwatch .if you are close to me this wouldn't be news.
i would stop here for now .
what are your favorite things?
please share .



Hi guys
So i was tagged by my friend Mide of  
I cannot wait to delve into the questions 
    The rules:
1. Share 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer the questions set by the blogger that nominated you
3. Nominate bloggers
4. Set 8 questions for nominated bloggers

  1. I can be very unforgiving 
  2. I am extremely free spirited
  3. I can never get physical with anyone 
  4. I rather avoid you than say hurtful words when am hurt
  5. I do not like dogs 
  6. I love beans cooked in every form except akara
  7. I think i behave way older than my age (my dad says i act 40)
  8. I cry alot especially for poor old struggling women and very little kids 
  9. I know i would marry the man of my dreams and have 2 beautiful kids and travel the world together
  10. I use to enjoy been fat but now I'm not so sure
    11 .I wish my mummy never died      


-What would you spend 1million dollars on?
I would first build a big mansion for my family  ,then pay for my dream school fees ,settle my brothers and sister ,give to charity and start up my business

-Favorite item in your closet? (put up a picture if you can)
i have so many favorites but presently im loving one silver pointy shoes  i bought from asos. see picture below
-If you had the chance to name yourself, what would it be and why?
it would be Greta ,because i like the name it means pearl and it sounds exotic

 -How do you express yourself?
if i do not have to i don't bother especially  when am angry i rather stay cold and withdrawn. but if am happy i talk a lot ,i laugh a lot ,can also be very loud. 

- Favorite book?
50 shades of grey ..hmmmm very erotic  book lol...

-What inspired you to start your blog?
i though i have an interesting life and decided to do a journal of my journey through it. 

- What has your blog done for you?
Through this blog i have met very interesting bloggers  and it has encouraged me to become a more better person .

big shout out to Mide for this tag i had fun doing this

Bloggers i am tagging 

1. What is the most expensive item you own (a picture wont be bad too)
2. Choose {love or money} and state your reason
3. Where is your dream vacation spot?
4. What do you first notice about people 
5. Why did you start blogging
6. In 5 years where do you see your self
7. When last did you cry and what made you 
8.What would you spend a million dollars on?

That is  all for now.
Talk to you guys soon.
Big hugs and kisses.


Nana's pool birthday party

Just when i thought my life was becoming boring ,Nana my friend and colleague told me she was having a pool party to celebrate her birthday .I was so excited by now you all should know how i like water ,even though i cannot swim .
We had so much fun ,everyone there seemed to be very friendly too ..
i took lots of pictures
Shout out to  Ndubisi he also assisted me too .
i and the celebrant

celebrant and kele


nana and kele


nana and chuks doing whatever lol


chuks,jessica,uche,nana {dnt remeber d names of the ladies at  both ends}

me oh!

sexy nana

such booty



yankie boy Ndu



sola baby

nana and friends

nana,kele and friends ..that girl is tall yo!


sola baby


birthday gal

group photo

we turnt up!!!
kisses and hugs!


Hi darlings ,how have you all been?i hope you all are taking the necessary health measure against contacting Ebola? The Lord would protect us all..
I took a few pictures of my colleagues at work and thought to share with you all.
I think i still have a very long way to go .slowly but surely.

Beautiful pictures i Think?
 I had so much fun taking this pictures .
Big shout out to Fifi ,Chuks ,Nana ,Jessica and  Sola  for finding time out of your very busy schedule
Yes we can work but we also love to play ..
