

I an very excited about Christmas, its that time of the year where i hang out and chill with friends and family .
I want to use this opportunity to say a very big thank you to my readers and followers .
I appreciate every one of you .

I have a Shop rite voucher worth Five thousand Naira to give away.
To participate,
Subscribe to my Blog via google plus .
Follow largerthanlifealice on instagram .
Like our page on Facebook .
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Leave a comment here and tell us your best moments of 2014 .
The winner would be randomly selected .
Good luck guys.



  1. Well done Koko, you truly know what this season is all about. Thank you for sharing, thank you for entertaining us in your own special way. More power to you elbow dear. We shall all experience increase in blessing in the new year and beyond.
    My moments? Ah! A lot o! Times with family, friends and foes alike. My cousin's wedding was part of it. My birthday and lots more. Also the people I've come across. Like I always say, let us bbe grateful for the life we live, a lot of people are envious.
    Let's all try to be safe, loving and giving this season and more. Thanks a lot for being my dear friend Koko... Have a fun Christmas and a merry new year.

  2. nice moments is when we hang out and gossip on fone ..i must win oh


  3. My best moment of 2014 is having my younger brother around for close to a month, this hasn't happened since we were kids. Good job Alice
